Monday, 29 April 2013

Summer Not Just a Piano Concert!

I have booked The Salvation Army Hall Baddow Road Chelmsford on Friday 21st June at 7.30pm for our Summer Concert with a difference.

I am aware that several of my pupils play other instruments as well as the piano and so, on this occasion, I would like to invite them to play a piece on their other instrument. I will give priority to pupils playing other instruments or to those who have exams coming up. As usual there is no pressure to perform and you can just come and listen if you want. The evening gives those who want to perform a chance to share their pieces and enjoy playing in a relaxed supportive atmosphere.

Please have a think and get back to me about what you/your child would like to play. I am happy to accompany anyone who needs it. I will be chatting about it in lessons as well. Parents, family and friends are invited to be part of the audience.

I am really looking forward to hearing you all play and a lovely Summer evening's music!

Adult Piano Group- our meal out is booked for Fri 10th June, 8pm at Cafe Rouge and you can also perform at the above concert or save yourselves for our more intimate exclusive performance session at my house sometime in July!