Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Scarlatti Sonata K492 grade 8 Technical Checklist

Scarlatti Sonata in D K492 Checklist

·        Sort out, mark in and observe a workable fingering.

·        All quavers to be lightly detached.

·        Practise the ornaments so that they do not slow the tempo down.

·        Make sure that you can successfully and accurately ripple the LH guitar-like passages.

·        Keep fingers curved and towards the black keys, especially in the scale passages.

·        Check your shoulders and wrists for excessive tension.

·        Secure the start of the B section as this has new material.

·        Make sure the acciaccaturas are crushed and snap cleanly.

·        Mark in and observe the echo passages.

·        Make sure it is all one speed; practise it at a moderate metronome speed and then gradually increase it.

·        Secure starts and endings of A and B sections, memorise.

·        Memorise tricky passages and practise them eyes shut too.

Christmas Music etc!

After the half-term holiday we will be playing Christmas songs, carols and tunes (as well as your current repertoire). These will all count towards your 30 Pieces Challenge so bring in any Christmas music you have at home or(beginner to grade 2 pupils) download some from http://www.susanparadis.com
The following books are good:
For Piano Adventures: Primer pupils Piano Adventures Primer Level Christmas Book, and then for each level there is a Christmas Book. Don't go for a higher level as it's useful to learn these quickly! Each Hal Leonard Level also has a Christmas Piano Solos book in its Hal Leonard Student Piano Library series. There are also lots of other books  and some attractive jazzy grade 1-5 arrangements by Pam Wedgwood, Heather Hammond and Martha Mier  so do browse www.musicroom.com or go to Allegro or Daces shops in town. I look forward to hearing everything Christmassy!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Wednesday 23rd October Teaching Changes.

I am working away next Wednesday so the following changes apply:

At The Cathedral School only the Year 5s and Euan, Ellie and Oliver T will have lessons. We will be as normal after half-term.
Wednesday evening private pupils have switched to Thursday or Friday evening.