Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Steps to help beginner pianists memorise their pieces.

My Points Mean Prizes scheme gives you 2 Bonus Points when you can play a piece from memory. Memorising becomes easier if you can sing and clap the piece, if you can explain all the signs and terms on the music, if you know what key or keys it is in, and what is happening when. Also if you practise pieces in sections, hands separately and slowly.
When you have learnt a piece and want to memorise it, try these steps:

1. Play the piece or the section with the music in front of you.
2. Play the piece with the music open at the side of you so that you can refer to it if you need to.
3. Play the piece with the music at the side of you but shut. Only open it if you get really stuck.
4. By now you're probably getting really good at memorising your piece so try it eyes shut- yes, eyes shut!
5. The final way which you may want to try, is a technique that athletes use- visualisation. Sit quietly with your eyes shut. Can you visualise your fingers playing the piece, playing the correct keys with the right fingers all the way through the section or piece? If you can then you are well on the way to memorising your piece.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

For my adult returners.

This is from an article by Clarissa Payne included in Feb 2011 edition of Music Teacher magazine. There are some excellent points for teachers and students:

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Where is Middle C?

For my beginner pianists who are moving on to the white keys and using Middle C, this is a great animation and song to help them find it. It is the catchiest funniest tune ever!

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

36 ways to praise and encourage your piano student.

Piano parents-Here are some great suggestions for what to say to your children when they are practising. Print it off and try them out!

Friday, 2 January 2015

Starting dates for the Spring Term.

Private pupils:

Tuesday pupils start on Tues 6th Jan
Wednesday pupils start on Wed 14th Jan
Thursday pupils start on Thurs 15th Jan
Ward family have lessons on Wed 7th then Mon 19th

MHS pupils:

Lessons commence on Tuesday 6th Jan 
No lesson on Tues 13th
Resume as normal on Tues 20th

Cathedral school pupils:

I haven't had confirmation from the school but l am planning to start teaching on Wed 14th Jan.

Adult pupils:

I have some of you booked in but please email me for lessons commencing Sat 10th Jan onwards.

I look forward to seeing and hearing you all!


Listening Forms.

You can gain points and prizes by listening and completing one of these forms (there are 2 forms, one for beginners to g3 level and the other for g4 + level pupils). Listen carefully and be prepared to tell me all about the music when you hand in your form:

Music Listening        Your name...................
beginners to g3.



Instruments you can hear:


This piece is performed by:

Choir    Orchestra    Soloist    Band   


The tempo is:

Fast    Medium    Slow    Getting faster    Getting slower

The dynamic is:

Piano    Mezzo forte    Forte    Crescendo   Diminuendo

The style is:

Classical    Pop    Jazz    Rock and roll    Opera    Other...........................

This music made me feel:



Music Listening          Your name.............

Grade 4 + pupils



Date of composition:

What instruments do you hear?


Who is performing the piece?


Describe the tempo of the piece:

Is it major or minor?

What is the tempo?

What is the dynamic?

How would you describe the style?


What words would you use to describe it?



How did it make you feel?

Practice = Points = Prizes!

Happy New Year everyone!

It was great to hear you play so many Christmas carols and songs but things can fall a bit flat in the new year, we all need something to get us going again. With the help of Oliver T, Amelia and Oliver W, I devised this system to help reward piano practice this year. Everything on this list will gain you points and points will mean prizes! Read it carefully and see how many you can achieve before your 1st lesson.

Piano Practice = Points = Prizes!

This year you will be able to gain rewards by doing and achieving different piano tasks and skills. Points = Prizes!

Weekly Points:

+ 1 for 5 days of practice. Parents to sign this off in the practice diary.

+ 1 per page of pieces learned and passed by me.

+ 1 per warm-up or technique exercise learned and passed by me.

+ 1 per set of theory exercises completed.

Bonus Points:

+ 2 for each piece memorised.

+ 1 extra for more than 5 days practiced. (Parents must witness and sign this).

+ 1 for completing a listening sheet.

+ 1 for playing a scale accurately 2 ways. +2 for playing it 4 different ways.

Super Bonus Points:

+5 for attending a classical musical performance (a piano recital, a concert etc. A copy of the programme is required).

+ 5 for completing a book.

+ 5 for participating in a performance.

20 points = a certificate.

25 points = a prize from the prize basket.

50 points = a trophy.