Thursday, 31 December 2015

Points Mean Prizes 2016!

Piano Points Mean Prizes 2016!

For the rest of this school year you will be able to gain rewards by doing and achieving different piano tasks and skills. Points = Prizes! There are Weekly Points, Bonus Points and Super Bonus Points. A record of points gained will be kept in your Piano Diary and on the Points Mean Prizes Chart.

Weekly Points:
+ 1 for 5 days of practice. Parents to sign to this effect in practice diary.
+ 1 per page of pieces learned and passed by me.
+ 1 per warm-up or technique exercise learned and passed by me.
+ 1 per set of theory exercises completed.

Bonus Points:
+ 1 extra for more than 5 days practised. (Parents must witness and sign this).
+ 2 for each piece / large section of a piece memorised.
+ 1 for completing a listening sheet.
+ 1 for playing a scale accurately 2 ways. +2 for playing it 4 different ways.

Super Bonus Points:
+5 for attending a classical musical performance (a piano recital, a concert etc. A copy of the programme is required).
+ 5 for completing a book.
+ 5 for participating in a performance.

20 points = a certificate.
25 points = a prize from the prize basket.

50 points = a trophy awarded at the end of the Summer term.

New Year Piano Lesson Start Dates.

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope that you all had a great Christmas break and enjoyed the time away from school and lessons. 

Thank you very much for all the lovely presents, cards and good wishes that you sent me, I am very grateful and enjoyed looking at and using them over the holiday season.

As some of you may know, I do some work for ABRSM, and will be delivering in- service training at the start of January to music services and RNCM in Manchester. This means that I will begin piano teaching after the term has begun- it gives everyone time to re- discover the piano and get fingers going again!

The starting dates for lessons are as follows:

Private pupils: Week beginning Monday 18th January.

Moulsham High School pupils: Tuesday 19th January.

Cathedral Primary School pupils : Wed 6th January.

Online pupil: to be arranged.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Exam congratulations.

Congratulations to all my pupils who took piano and theory exams this term. They all worked very hard and did extremely well.

My 3 Prep Test entrants all performed very well and received lovely reports.

Elinor Loxton took her grade 5 theory exam and gained a distinction with 91%, a fabulous result.

Amelia Wilson took her grade 1 and also gained a distinction- well done Amelia.

Hannah Spry, who has lessons online via google chat, took her grade 1 ( live ) and gained a merit. This is a first for me and I'm delighted the way lessons are going and how well Hannah has done.

Alice Ward, not content with gaining a merit in her violin grade 8 earlier in the year, took her piano grade 8 and earnt a very well deserved merit ( the scales and arpeggio requirements for grade 8 piano are enough to make anyone's eyes water!).

Very well done everyone.