Friday, 11 November 2016

Musicroom guest blogposts

I am privileged to occasionally guest write for musicroom's blog and you can find posts about exam prep, Christmas music and the new exam pieces here:

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Guest blog post for Musicroom

Recently I was delighted to be asked to write a guest blog post for Musicroom on Christmas music for pianists:

Monday, 7 November 2016

Easy Christmas music

I have a Pinterest board titled " Carol's and Christmas music ". It has many easy carols  and Christmas songs for piano:
I thought you'd like this board on Pinterest...

Exam help

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Competition Preparation Session.

We had huge fun last night preparing for the Chelmsford Competitive Festival. We learned what to expect, how to bow and what everyone's top  tips were. There was a lot of playing and even more cake! A successful session. Good luck everyone!

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Competition Preparation Session.

In preparation for the Chelmsford Competitive Festival I am holding a preparation session:

When- Friday 4th 6-7
Where-My house
You need : Your music

Parents, drop off and collect.

Important- there will be cake!

You will play your pieces to each other, learn about what to expect at the competition, get a Mrs Lau's  How to survive competitions handout, practise competition etiquette, and eat cake.

See you there!

Guest Blogpost on preparing for performances.

I am lucky enough to write guest blogposts for and this is one is particularly relevant this term, preparation for performances:

Sunday, 30 October 2016

The fun half of term!

I hope that you have all had a good half term break and are ready for the next part of term. It's an exciting few weeks with the competition, some grade exams and Christmas music!

If you want to get a good Christmas book and are working from Piano Adventures, there is a Christmas book for whatever level you are at, ditto for Hal Leonard tutor books. There are also some great pieces on and books by F Waterman, Martha Mier, P Hall and Bastien. I will also have some recommendations for you in my lessons. The most important thing is to not get Christmas music that will take you till Fenruary to learn! They should be possible and enjoyable.

Emails re exam and competition prep sessions will be going out this week so be ready!

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Chelmsford Competitive Festival.

A reminder that the closing date for the Chelmsford Competitive Festival is this Saturday! Entry forms and a syllabus are available from James Dace and from the chairman Jill Parkin: 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

A way to remember where C is.

A reminder of this little gem of a video which helps us all remember where C is on the piano:

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Exams and competitions!

Some of you are taking a grade exam and/ or entering The Chelmsford Competitive Festival. Here's the ABRSM fees list and the Competition entry form. In addition you will be getting an email from me or have received notification via the Practice Diary.

Welcome to piano lessons from me at The Cathedral School.

It was great to be back at The Cathedral School today and hear all the pianists play. I look forward to hearing them even more next week when everyone is back into a good regular practice routine!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Welcome to piano lessons at MHS.

It was lovely to see old pupils returning and new ones beginning at MHS today. I look forward to much great piano playing!

Do check the timetable for next week's lesson and bring your music too. Don't be afraid to knock on the door when you arrive, I will then know you are there and you can then come in and listen to the pupil before you.

Here's a copy of the new terms guidelines and reminders for effective piano lessons.

Friday, 9 September 2016

September 2016

All piano lessons start next week: Cathedral School, private lessons and Moulsham High School. Please re- acquaint yourself with the piano and remember your music! I look forward to seeing and hearing you all.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Practice Chart

Just in time for the new term Susan Paradis has produced a practice chart to help keep track of your practice sessions! This can be downloaded at:

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Thank you.

A very big thank you for all the cards, gifts and flowers from parents and pupils. It has been a great year and I look forward to more of the same!

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Last lessons!

Cathedral School

Last lessons for everyone except Max R-P and Oliver T have taken place already. Max and Oliver have their final lessons this Wed ( 6th )morning.


Final lessons have taken place.

Private Pupils

Emails re July's lessons have gone out and I would appreciate a speedy response to them. There are three lessons in July for Mon, Tues and Wed pupils and two lessons in July for Thursday pupils. 

Have a lovely Summer, do some of the ideas from the Summer Piano Ideas post, and I will see you all in September. Check this blog for starting dates for the Autumn term.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Concert thank you.

Thank you to everyone who took part and to the family and friends who supported them. Everyone performed well and it was a great evening. Many thanks to The Salvation Army for hosting us again. I would love to make a collage of photos of the night so if you have photos that you are happy to share, do send them to me. Also, to the award winners, a photo of you with your trophy would be great.

Monday, 27 June 2016

New ABRSM Piano Syllabus 2017-18

On July 7th the new ABRSM piano syllabus for 2017-18 comes out. The current syllabus is still valid for the Spring 2017 session as there is an overlap. The new pieces can be ordered here: 

Summer Piano Ideas 2016

Summer Piano Ideas.

·        Play a concert; choose an easy piece, a well-known piece and a fun piece. You can invite family and friends and design and print a programme for it.

·        Find out about one of your favourite composers. Write a potted biography of them.

·        Learn a piece you haven’t played before- surprise me!

·         Compose your own simple piece, it can be long or short, you can write it down or memorise it. Give it a name and play it at our next lesson.

·        Find a piano playing friend or family member and play some easy peasy duets with them.

·        Teach your parents or your younger brothers and sisters an easy tune from your first books.

·        Go to a concert and write down what instruments you see.

·        Find some new piano apps, try them out and come back and tell me all about them.

·        Teach yourself to play a favourite TV or film theme tune by ear, or learn Happy Birthday!

·        Video yourself playing a piece and upload it to YouTube or send it to me and I will put it on my blog!

·        Watch the Piano Guys on Youtube with your parents.

·        Play the piano every time you are wearing your pyjamas!

·        With your parents, listen to a piece of music on the computer or tablet, by Beethoven, Schumann, Liszt and Rachmaninoff. Circle your favourites.

·        Go to a Prom!

·        Visit Handel and Hendrix House, Brook St London

·        Enjoy your summer!


Mrs Lau Summer 2016

Friday, 24 June 2016

Tonight's concert!

Here are the trophies and the programme for tonight's concert. See you at The Salvation Army Hall 7.30pm

Monday, 20 June 2016

Concert Advice!

So the programme has been finalised and you/your child is practising like mad! What else can you do to ensure an enjoyable performance? Here is some useful advice:

What to wear? Wear something smart ( it gives a sense of occasion ) but comfortable. Consider pedalling when you choose your footwear; trainers and platforms don't usually work well and a small heel is good. My usual advice is no football kits and no tiaras- something in between!

Practise? Yes do keep practising every day but also practise performing i.e. playing in front of someone supportive, keeping going no matter what, putting in every bit of expression, keeping concentrating to the end.

Remember to: take your music and get there a few minutes early in order to try out the piano.

Nervous? We all feel nervous; old, young, experienced, new to piano playing. Don't let the negative thoughts in but replace them with positive ones, breathe deeply and smile- it really does work, focus on playing each bar and phrase as musically as possible. If something goes wrong (and it probably will)  keep going as that is most important.

Enjoy it! Music is fun and enjoyable. Come and enjoy playing and listening to the other pianists and then relax with family and friends afterwards. 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

List of performers ( so far ) at the concert on Fri 24th June Salvation Army Hall

Samuel I
Oliver RP
Max RP
Oliver W
Elinor L

Points Mean Prizes Trophy Winners.

This is a list of those who have already reached 50 points and will therefore be presented with a trophy at the concert and presentation evening on Friday 24th June at The Salvation Army Hall, 7.30.

If you haven't already let me know, can you please tell me if your child will be attending?

MHS pupils

Samuel Irven
Alexia Deighton

Private pupils

Charlie Field
Anna Howell
Amelia Wilson
Oliver Wilson
Hannah Spry ( online pupil )

Cathedral Primary School pupils

Fionn Crickett
Joely Lee
George Cairns
William Michael
Eleanor Tuck
Oliver R-P
Ethan Wiltshire
Max R-P

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Points Mean Prizes update.

There are two more weeks to gain 50 points and get a trophy at the concert on Friday 24th June!

Monday, 6 June 2016

Summer Concert info.

Hooray it’s time for another concert! 


Pupil Summer Concert and Awards Presentations at The Salvation Army Hall, Baddow Road, Friday 24th June 7.30-9pm


The evening will take the form of a concert followed by awards for those who have won trophies on the Points Mean Prizes scheme, and for the 1st time, special awards for those who have been outstanding pupils this year.

Even if you are not picked to play you may be collecting a trophy or a special award, so do come.


I organise these pupil concerts in order to give pupils a chance to perform in supportive surroundings to family and friends. They are always most enjoyable and I look forward to them tremendously.


The hall is quite large and the piano is a grand. This can be a little intimidating so if you want to arrive early (from 7pm onwards) to settle in and try the piano out, that is fine.


If you/your child just want to come along and listen in order to get a feel for a pupil concert that is fine.


I try to make these occasions as informal as possible but sometimes we performers can get a little over-wrought! If your child decides he/she doesn’t want to play on the night, that’s fine.


Playing in front of an audience is a very scary thing to do (or adults and children) so please can I ask you to read and abide by these guidelines for supportive concert behaviour. If you are bringing family and friends can you make sure that they know this too:


1.      Parents are responsible for their children’s behaviour.

2.      Show respect for each performer by staying in your seats during the performances, keeping quiet and by applauding at the end.

3.      Only video / take photos of your own child’s performance.


I would love to hear…………………… play..............................................piece.


RSVP on the tear off slip below/ tel / email:

Fiona Lau (01245 262269/07776195307,




I/ my child……………………………will/will not be able to play.


Monday, 9 May 2016

Cathedral School Piano Lessons Wed 11th May.

There are no piano lessons this week because of SATs.

Good luck with your tests and I look forward to hearing you all again next week,

Mrs Lau.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Materials needed for ABRSM practical grade exams.

For grades 1-5 you will need:

The relevant ABRSM piano grade pieces book, published by ABRSM.

Improve your sight- reading, ABRSM edition, piano, for the relevant grade. Written by Paul Harris and published by Faber.

Scales Shapes for piano, ABRSM edition, for the relevant grade. Written by Frederick Stocken, published by Chester.

For grades 6-8 you will need:

The relevant ABRSM piano grade pieces book, published by ABRSM.

Improve your sight-reading, ABRSM edition, piano, for the required grade. Written by Paul Harris and published by Faber.

The ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios book for the relevant grade, published by ABRSM.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Exam entries for ABRSM practical and theory grades.

Just a little reminder that fees are due this week if you or your child are taking an ABRSM exam.

Cheques are payable to me or you can do a bank transfer and then I pay all the fees together.

Exam fees are listed on the two photos.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Summer Term 2016!

Welcome to the Summer Term of piano lessons.

Private Piano Lessons: some begin this week and others next week. You should have all been notified. Contact me if you are unsure.

MHS Lessons: these begin on Tuesday 19th. Please check the timetable for your lesson times.

Cathedral Primary School: lessons begin on Wednesday 20th. Don't forget your music!

This term we have the Summer piano pupil concert at the Salvation Army Hall on Friday 24th June. I would like as many pupils as possible to perform so start to think about a solo piece or a duet. At the Summer Concert I will be presenting the Points Mean Prizes trophies AND there are other awards...more details later! 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The end of the Spring term and advance notification of the Summer concert.

Cathedral School: this term I was asked to teach 9 lessons, which I have already done. Next week I will be in school and will teach week 1 of the Summer term; this will give us the ability to cope with sports days, trips out, visits to new schools and the joy of SATS.

MHS: there are 2 more Tuesdays of lessons.

Private Teaching: there are 2 more weeks before the Easter holidays.

Exam pupils: we continue our exam countdown with a pre- exam plonk through at my house this Saturday starting at 3pm. Be prepared to play 2 pieces and a selection of your scales, arpeggios and broken chords etc.

Summer concert: I have booked The Salvation Army Hall for Friday 24th June. Points Mean Prizes trophies will also be presented then so keep practising!

Monday, 22 February 2016

After half term Points Mean Prizes.

Half term is over and it's time to get into a regular practice routine again. Also more points are on offer, this time for completing Listening Sheets. These will be given out in lessons this week, feel free to photocopy them as many times as you like. Listen to a piece of music ( from YouTube, Spotify, CD etc) and then complete the Listening Sheet fully with your child. Bring it to the next piano lesson and points will be awarded if it's filled in fully.

Good pieces to listen to are:

Any movement from Holst's Planets' Suite.
A movement from Vivaldi's Seasons.
Ballet music by Tchaikovsky.
Piano pieces such as The Entertainer, Moonlight Sonata, or Debussy's Arabesques.
Pictures at an Exhibition.
1812 Overture.

Keep it short and enjoy listening and discussing the music with your child. 

Charlie, pictured here with his certificate and prize, really enjoyed completing Listening Sheets last year. I look forward to hearing about what you have listened to.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Today's Points Mean Prizes winners.

These are today's Points Mean Prizes winners from The Cathedral School and my private teaching.

Monday, 8 February 2016

The points mean prizes prize basket.

The prize basket has many prizes in it and as prizes are won other prizes are added. Right now prizes include: joke books, bubble wands, lip gloss, jewellery, toppling dominoes, minion stickers, nail varnish, stationery and more. Keep practising because 25 = a prize!

Friday, 5 February 2016

The first Points Mean Prizes have been awarded!

Four boys from The Cathedral School have won the first set of prizes. Well done George, Max, Oliver and Ethan!
Many certificates have also been awarded and lots of pupils are well on the way to receiving more certificates and prizes. 
Remember: 20 points =a certificate, 25= a prize and 50 points = a trophy, so keep playing.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

"Snow on the way next week for Essex".

Just as we were all starting to think of Spring, this headline pops up via the Essex Chronicle!

So if it snows: do try to come to piano lessons, I get out my best hot chocolate for those who make it.

If you really can't come, make sure that you have downloaded Skype, Google Chat or have FaceTime, we can then do an online lesson.

If this isn't possible, video your child/ you, playing your scales, exercises, pieces, and either send it to me or upload to YouTube. I will then email you feedback and ways forward for each piece. Modern technology means that we don't miss out on lessons or lose the flow of practising.☃⛄️❄️❄️