Monday, 22 February 2016

After half term Points Mean Prizes.

Half term is over and it's time to get into a regular practice routine again. Also more points are on offer, this time for completing Listening Sheets. These will be given out in lessons this week, feel free to photocopy them as many times as you like. Listen to a piece of music ( from YouTube, Spotify, CD etc) and then complete the Listening Sheet fully with your child. Bring it to the next piano lesson and points will be awarded if it's filled in fully.

Good pieces to listen to are:

Any movement from Holst's Planets' Suite.
A movement from Vivaldi's Seasons.
Ballet music by Tchaikovsky.
Piano pieces such as The Entertainer, Moonlight Sonata, or Debussy's Arabesques.
Pictures at an Exhibition.
1812 Overture.

Keep it short and enjoy listening and discussing the music with your child. 

Charlie, pictured here with his certificate and prize, really enjoyed completing Listening Sheets last year. I look forward to hearing about what you have listened to.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Today's Points Mean Prizes winners.

These are today's Points Mean Prizes winners from The Cathedral School and my private teaching.

Monday, 8 February 2016

The points mean prizes prize basket.

The prize basket has many prizes in it and as prizes are won other prizes are added. Right now prizes include: joke books, bubble wands, lip gloss, jewellery, toppling dominoes, minion stickers, nail varnish, stationery and more. Keep practising because 25 = a prize!

Friday, 5 February 2016

The first Points Mean Prizes have been awarded!

Four boys from The Cathedral School have won the first set of prizes. Well done George, Max, Oliver and Ethan!
Many certificates have also been awarded and lots of pupils are well on the way to receiving more certificates and prizes. 
Remember: 20 points =a certificate, 25= a prize and 50 points = a trophy, so keep playing.