Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The end of the Spring term and advance notification of the Summer concert.

Cathedral School: this term I was asked to teach 9 lessons, which I have already done. Next week I will be in school and will teach week 1 of the Summer term; this will give us the ability to cope with sports days, trips out, visits to new schools and the joy of SATS.

MHS: there are 2 more Tuesdays of lessons.

Private Teaching: there are 2 more weeks before the Easter holidays.

Exam pupils: we continue our exam countdown with a pre- exam plonk through at my house this Saturday starting at 3pm. Be prepared to play 2 pieces and a selection of your scales, arpeggios and broken chords etc.

Summer concert: I have booked The Salvation Army Hall for Friday 24th June. Points Mean Prizes trophies will also be presented then so keep practising!