Friday 2 January 2015

Listening Forms.

You can gain points and prizes by listening and completing one of these forms (there are 2 forms, one for beginners to g3 level and the other for g4 + level pupils). Listen carefully and be prepared to tell me all about the music when you hand in your form:

Music Listening        Your name...................
beginners to g3.



Instruments you can hear:


This piece is performed by:

Choir    Orchestra    Soloist    Band   


The tempo is:

Fast    Medium    Slow    Getting faster    Getting slower

The dynamic is:

Piano    Mezzo forte    Forte    Crescendo   Diminuendo

The style is:

Classical    Pop    Jazz    Rock and roll    Opera    Other...........................

This music made me feel:



Music Listening          Your name.............

Grade 4 + pupils



Date of composition:

What instruments do you hear?


Who is performing the piece?


Describe the tempo of the piece:

Is it major or minor?

What is the tempo?

What is the dynamic?

How would you describe the style?


What words would you use to describe it?



How did it make you feel?

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