Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Thirty Piece Challenge!

This year l have decided to take the idea of my esteemed Australian colleague, the teacher and composer,Elissa Milne,and issue all my pupils with the 30 piece challenge! This is to take place over the academic year from September 2013 toJuly  2014.
The challenge is to learn, and play to me over the year,30 pieces. For this you will get a gold medal. 25 pieces will earn a silver medal and 20 pieces will achieve a bronze medal. The pieces can be chosen by me or you, but have to be approved by me and then passed by me.
They can be in a variety of styles and the level of difficulty music can vary. This is an approximate guide of the levels likely to be acceptable:
Beginner pupils can include any pieces from pre-reading to Prep Test level
Prep Test pupils can include any pieces from beginner stave pieces to grade 1level
Grade 1 pupils can include any pieces from Prep Test to Grade 2 level
Grade 2 pupils can include any pieces from Prep Test to Grade 3 level
Grade 3 pupils can include any pieces from Grade 1 to Grade 4 level
Grade 4 pupils can include any pieces from Grade 2 to Grade 5 level
Grade 5 pupils can include any pieces from Grade 3 to Grade 6 level
Grade 6, 7 and 8 pupils can include any pieces from Grade 4 upwards!

So if you are working towards your grade 4, you might enjoy playing some Pam Wedgwood pieces, some pieces from your earlier tutor books, some Christmas carols, as well as your grade 4 pieces. You might even like to have a stab at some pieces that have been set for Grade 5!

The pieces can be solos, duets, Christmas songs, hymns, competition pieces and exam pieces. We will keep a list in your practice diary and l will be happy to lend you some of my music books. Have a good look at home as well and see what music you can find or ask your family what they have. You can also find music on the Internet or swop music with your friends. Be creative! 

This is a great way to discover new styles, composers and pieces and to improve your sight reading. You can also get a medal, will get a mention at the summer concert and be listed on this blog and on my website! Have a think and we will talk about it at your next lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Several of today's pupils have already notched up some pieces towards their 30 and I have ordered the medals!
