Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Dear new piano pupil parents,

I have had a great time teaching your children their first piano lessons. They were excited, keen, chatty and itching to play! I will do my best to maintain this enthusiasm!

Could you:

Read their Piano Practice Diaries.
Remind them to practice.
Send them with their music and diary to every lesson.
Encourage them to perform.

It also helps to:

Get a piano bag ( available from Dace's or Allegro or just use a folder or bag from home)
Have a piano: keyboards are just about ok for the first term but after that they will only progress if they have a piano. A digital or an acoustic one is fine and Allegro have a good selection.

So: get involved, get organised, keep in contact, and enjoy this fabulous journey that they ( and you) are embarking on,

Fiona Lau.


  1. Hello Mrs Lau, Thank you for all the information about your piano lessons for new children. Would you like us to record in their diaries each time they practise or are they just for you to write in. Thanks, Frances Cairns

  2. Thank you for getting n contact Mrs Cairns. If you could remind them to play every day and just write a brief note in their diaries about how they got on, that would be very helpful. The diaries are for all of us. Do email me at if you need to say more or to let me have your email.
