Wednesday 18 January 2017

Grade exams- what happens when.

As this term's entries are about to go in here is a reminder/ explanation of what happens when:

1) I send the entries off to ABRSM and although I can request a specific week during the exam session March 6th - April 8th, there is no guarantee we will get it. We usually get at least 3 weeks notice, often more.

2) There are several components of grade exams: scales, chords and arpeggios; 3 pieces; some sight-reading; aural tests. It is really important to practise daily and to practise what is in the Piano Practice Diary. This is where parents come in!

3) We will have activities along the way to help pupils prepare: a countdown plan, opportunities for performance, help in preparing for all aspects of the exam, and a mock exam.

4) The exams are usually held in Christchurch, New London road but their roof is being fixed so they may be in Trinity Methodist church. If you're not sure where the exams are it is worth having a "dummy run" once we receive the official notification. Parking is available at both.

5) Exam results and certificates  generally  arrive after 2-3 weeks.

Good luck everyone!

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